The publication of number 3 of ARTis ON journal is part of the research project Eneias – The painting collection of the National Library of Portugal: from the rescue of conventual artistic heritage in the implementation of Liberalism to the integrated study of conservation and dissemination. With the aim of making some of the main conclusions of this project known, and of extending its discussion to other researchers globally interested in the issues inherent to convent artistic heritage, a colloquium was held on the 20th and 21st of February 2014 entitled The Artistic Heritage of Religious Orders: between Liberalism and today. In this special volume of the ARTis ON, thirty-five texts from the communications and posters presented at this colloquium are brought together, according to the four thematic areas that structured the colloquium: the Extinction of Religious Orders and the depreciation of their assets: the effects on heritage national artistic; beginnings of Museology in Portugal; history of Heritage Conservation and Restoration; “Renew”, “Recreate” “Illustrate”: New Technologies in the exhibition and dissemination of Heritage.