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N.º 2 (2016): Azulejos and Frames - Edição especial

Cataloguing Baroque Azulejo Frames: a Project in Progress

July 30, 2022


 The present article focuses on the cataloguing Baroque azulejo frames and aims to explain the methodology of the project as well as the expected results. I will discuss the importance of cataloguing and the system used – Az Infinitum – Azulejo Indexation and Referencing System ( I will also address the different cataloguing options, some of which came from conclusions drawn during the actual cataloguing work. I will also assess the benefits offered by this kind of systematisation for the study of azulejos and related decorative systems within the context of the Baroque concept of artistic totality, which is typical of Portuguese interiors from the last decades of the 17th century to the first decades of the following century.


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