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N.º 14 (2023): Número Multitemático

Colores para el Duelo. Lápidas de Cerámicas en los Cementerios Españoles

March 2, 2024


We have an image of cemeteries that is sometimes grey. The grey of the stone, of the cement, of the concrete, of the paths... but it was not always like that. There was a time when, in some cemeteries, the colours shone, those that came from the multitude of ceramic tiles that covered the niches and some of the graves at ground level in the cemetery. The tile, underestimated in its humility, was for decades the material chosen by people to sweeten death, to give a touch of colour to the place where memory is stored. The present study aims to characterise the types of tile that were used in Spanish cemeteries through what was practised in part of the Valencian territory: specifically, one hundred cemeteries in the province of Castellón.


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