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(DEALINE:   31  MARCH  2023)


The next special issue of the journal ARTisON, to be released at the beginning of 2023, has Heritage safeguarding in colonial times as its theme. This special issue is the result of collaboration between the ARTIS - Institute of Art History of the University of Lisbon and the ICOMOS ISCSBH - International Scientific Committee on Shared Built Heritage. The intention of this ARTisON issue is to reflect on the processes, ideologies, persons and institutions related to heritage safeguarding in colonial territories during the colonial period.

If in some territories under European colonial rule the preservation focus was on the colonial heritage, in many other territories deeper studies and conservation works on pre-colonial heritage were carried out, which allowed for unveiling monuments and artistic pieces almost unknown, until then, by most people around the world. In some cases, the processes followed in colonial territories were introduced, to a greater or lesser extent, in the heritage debate within the metropole. The level and type of heritage action in the colonial territories ranged according to the colonial power and the cultural richness of those territories. Articles might include the subjects mentioned below or others considered significant to the issue’s theme:

  • Study missions on the cultural heritage in colonial territories;
  • Heritage safeguarding works in colonial territories;
  • Ideological instrumentalisation of cultural heritage in colonial territories;
  • Legislation and institutions dedicated to the heritage safeguarding in colonial territories;
  • Circulation of heritage theories and practices between metropoles and colonial territories.


Architects, art historians, archaeologists and other technicians, as well the concerned community, are invited to submit articles until 31 Março 2023 following the ARTisON guidelines:

By 31 June 2023, the results of blind peer reviews will be announced to the authors. Proposals (only in English) should be sent to the following email addresses:   and